1st January 2019

Amazingly. I wasn't called out and we had a quiet day at work.

Will camped out last night with 12 friends (brrrr).

Toria went out with her friend Linda to a bar in Cardiff where he cousin works, he gave them discounted drinks, resulting in poor Linda having to go home just after midnight and having a hangover this morning - Toria is ok.
 Charlotte and the management team she works with all went out in Cirencester for New Year, got to bed at 2am, then started an early shift at Cheltenham Race course! - fortunately they all survived. I spoke to her at 20:30 this evening when she was travelling back to London on the train. She'd bumped into another cousin (not the Cardiff one) on the train.

Mum cooked a tasty lamb dinner this evening for Tom, Will and I.

I wonder what will be in store for all of us this year? More photo's hopefully!!

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