
By AnnieBScotland

The Griffin

Early start at 7.45am, at -5C I had to spend a long time defrosting the car!!! Spent the morning in Glasgow at an open day that the charity I help with, SITE, was holding on accessible technology. We had a busy morning, and I was interviewed for Insight Radio ( station for the blind and partially sighted) by Mikey Hughes, a rather eccentric character whose main claim to fame was as a runner up on Big Brother a few years ago. By 1pm we were all exhausted so retired to The Griffin Bar on Bath Street for a sandwich.

The Griffin is a bit of a Glasgow institution, it has a lot of original art nouveau fixtures and fittings and the outside looks very art nouveau. Even though the internal stained glass panel in the bar is quite colourful I also took B&W and sepia shots and like it best in B&W. I would have liked to spend more time taking some shots of the details - the brass door handles are lovely - but will have to save that for another time, was carrying too much and didn't have another spare hand!

It was very quiet today, we've been in before at lunchtime and not seen it so quiet. Maybe everyone is Xmas shopping!

We have our next committee meeting there in about 10 days, followed by a Xmas meal. Food is good!

quiet and probably early night tonight.

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