A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Pillars Of Hercules

Jacqui is back at work today so I walked Duke at PP, did all my shopping in Pueblo Nuevo and was back home for elevenses. This shot of Gibraltar and Morocco was taken from a favourite mirador of mine, looking back over the port at Sotogrande.

The tree is down and the flat thoroughly vacuumed and some rearranging of furniture trialled, but with little success. So everything went back pretty much as it was, with the exception of the overly large marble coffee table, which is now residing outside on the terrace.

Now the flat seems bigger. A pano is included in extras. The sun has shone all day and we are enjoying beautiful warm weather, temperatures in the 20s and shorts and tees are again the order of the day. It does get chilly at night though.

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