
By EllyJay

The Ba'

The Ba is an event held in Kirkwall, Orkney on New Year’s day and again on Christmas Day.
Basically it is a cross between a scrum and a riot.  There can be as many as 350 big, burly men taking part, it’s not for the faint-hearted.  A game can take several hours.
They are divided into two teams, “Uppies” and “Doonies”, the object being to get the “ba” up to the top of the town or down and into the harbour. 
Shops and houses barricade their doors and windows to prevent players being pushed through.

There are four games each year, two for the men and two for boys, and a specially crafted leather ball is made for each. This is awarded to the best player, as judged by the other participants, and is highly prized.
Today's game by Blipper Orc2009

 YouTube movie of past game

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