Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Pleased with yourself Little Miss?

Rhona had Spinach, apple and swede tonight (out a pouch, was lazy today) and as you can see, it was very khaki! She devoured it, as she does with all the shop bought stuff. Think it is made smoother and runnier than I make at home. She has just had a bath, and now Euan is enjoying his shot in it.

I had plans today to go and see Rise of the Guardians today at cinebabies with Euan but I decided against it after seeing the inch or two of snow when I got up. I still went out and cleared the path and the snow off the car, but after looking at the traffic info, I got organised for a lazy day in. Rhona has had loads of naps, 45-hour long ones, the last couple of days. She just seems very tired all day. I have done the same puzzle about 4 times today and have read numerous books, built towers and watched tv. Euan has a bit of cabin fever I think and is particularly boisterous today. Glad he has playgroup tomorrow. If the snow stays off, I may make him walk there in his boots to burn off some energy!

Rhona has done well sleeping the last couple nights. She has not been fed until after midnight both nights and seems fine for it. Going to try the "Core night" sleep method to try and get her to sleep for longer spells. All it involves, is letting her self settle for a few minutes to see if she will go back to sleep herself before going through to help settle back to sleep. If she won't settle, I give her the minimum feed that will let her get back to sleep. Hopefully, it will stretch the time between wakes so she is up 1-2 times rather than 3. I will no doubt report on how its going!

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