Not every day

By ppatrick

Learning curve

Raki has had a fairly disorganised start in life and so has some catching up to do in comparison with more conventionally reared pups. However, she is resilient, attentive and smart, so we're hoping she will pick things up quickly. Today we've been practising 'come when called' with quite a bit of success, then moving on to 'bring the ball back'. The latter worked particularly well down at the beach this afternoon, until she got bored - puppies have a short attention span. (It helped that we had the place mainly to ourselves, as she panics a bit when she meets other, bigger dogs.)

The 'learning curve' was first first described by Hermann Ebbinghaus in 1885, as a way of plotting proficiency against experience. The ideal shape is the S-Curve, with small steps at first followed by larger steps and then successively smaller ones later, as the learning activity reaches its limit. 

As an extra treat, when the boat comes in, and the tracks made in the wet sand.

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