Wom and a panda

Tinkers woke around 6
Daddy went to work but I enforced cuddles in bed until 8.

We went to the library, we had to go to the shoe shop - munchie has managed to wear her shoes totally bare in the soles, they can’t be reheeled! Ouch. But as she walks to school (from the pub or suz’s) each day I didn’t want to risk her slipping over with no grip.
Also ended up buying Wom another pair of boots like the ones he already has as they were reduced.

They had reduced the panda and flamingo that they had both converted since wilkos had brought in the Christmas goodies. They had one each but I’m using their pocket money to buy them!

Dropped munchie round at her (boy) friends. Wom has his (girl) friend round to play so everyone was happy!
Love the fact they both had such happy play dates

Spent an hour sorting out all of daddy’s Lego from when he was little - we’ve washed, cleaned and sorted it

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