Not how I anticipated spending the evening!

Or of what my first entry would be of after such a long break!
Yes...that is my lovely wee car...and yes...that is my shadow in the foreground!
I left Glasgow at 2:30 having had a lovely visit with my brother, thinking I was going to Richmond to join my friends for a wee 'holiday' (within a holiday!)
However, Bumblebee decided that she wasn't feeling too good just north of Abington. So I pulled off the motorway and checked the oil....all seemed ok! So proceed with caution! 
Everything seemed ok till Ecclefechan when the RED FLASHING WARNING LIGHT appeared. So I took the next exit (1 mile down the road), pulled up and called the AA as smoke started to drift up from my poor wee hot engine.   :(  4:20pm  and it's FREEZING - literally!
Spoke to a lovely lady who was out for a walk, who then came back in her car to check that I was alright. She is 82 and walks 2 miles everyday! I unfortunately didn't get her name. She arrived back just as the AA man arrived.
He checked it out and said there was a leak in the water pump said he'd try some stuff see if it works. So he did and we carried on down the road together heading for Gretna (and the nearest Garage). So 20mins later and 10miles down the road (stopping half way to check and top up more water) we pulled into Crossways garage.
He checked it again....more smoke started puffing out...and he said 'Nop! No further today! The garage can fix it but might not be able to get it done till mid Friday!
So, it looked like I would be spending at least one night in Gretna.
Cathie checked out the coverage from the mortgage account and they would take me home!....even better, they would take my car to my local garage!
So, I waited in the cold again, just this time sitting in the car.
7:05 George from Green Flag arrived and happily loaded Bumblebee onto his lorry and we started the journey home.
He was very nice and we had a good chat all the way.
Just as we pulled into the garage, big Phil pulled in behind. The third man to rescue me today!
Three men...two of them at Gretna...and not one proposal!!! Must try harder!! ;)
Anyway...I arrived home 10pm, managed to find some food, arranged a lift to the cottage tomorrow and can borrow Cathie's car to get to work on Friday! And...hopefully no other damage has been done to Bumblebee...but that one will need to wait and see.

Phew! I'm quite tired now!!!

And as for Blipping.....I have all the photos to catch up as It's so ingrained to take a photo each day but it may take a while and I have decided to forgo  adding them in order. I'm so far behind, I'll try and just get back into the swing of uploading and will catch up as and when I can. (My last entry at this point of writing was Aug 11th. I was away a lot in the summer, changing classrooms and then trying to catchup and keep up with a new year group. Yr4 yay!!)

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