The rest of forever...

By DrMac

There were three in the bed...

And nobody did a poo...

It's amazing what the cold does to friendship. These three are horrified that I allowed the fire to go out, leaving us with no heating for two days. The house is absolutely freezing and it has taken me an age to get the fire started again...the heating is slowly coming to life. I put the little blow heater into their room for them and I put on an extra jumper. Priorities eh! Anyway, at least they are all pals again. For now, anyway.

I heard Steve Cram, of 80s athletic genius, speak today at Lincoln University. My A Level kids and my colleague didn't remember him...god I feel old. And he doesn't look a day older than he did when he broke the mile record. He was really inspiring. A quality ninety minutes in my day.

And I have other HUGE news...but I'll save that for tomorrow. I have lots to do tonight so I'll be brief and bugger off to my desk again. No rest for the wicked.

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