
A sharp frost this morning so took the opportunity to take a few photos.After lunch Em came for a visit and we all went up to Formby to have a walk out and look for Red Squirrels.Managed to see three squirrels.

Formby was very busy and despite signs up asking people to keep their dogs on leads in the reserve most were not but not really a problem.The area was nicely decorated with dog poo bags hanging from the trees and bushes.Not really surprised that a lot of the dog walkers couldn't read this is England after all but picking up theirs dogs mess and then throwing it into the trees makes me wonder.
Advice to keep children on a lead or at least under control would have been nice.Lots of little bastards shouting and running wild spoilt parts of the walk.

Thank you for comments and stars I will catch up and reply very soon.

Weather frosty and sunny this morning but a cloudy and cold afternoon.

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