Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My Christmas gift from the greenhouse is blossoming beautifully. The bulb from two years back is growing its green leaves. Not sure how much more it'll be, but it's fun to see. 
Today I went to the pharmacy at the supermarket nearby. Just as I stood there in line waiting to pay for my cough medicine, I started coughing and couldn't stop. I tried to answer the cashiers about if I wanted a plastic measure cup with the liquid cough medicine, but since my voice is almost gone I sounded like a crow...a wildly coughing crow... I did my shopping rapidly since the cough didn't want to stop and tears were spurting from my eyes. My cough didn't stop until I was walking out from the store. Ok, now I've done that too... :D 
The cough medicin has done some work, though. Hoping for a quiet night. 

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