Happy New Year

After a brisk New Year’s Day walk along the beach and some shell collecting, my daughter painted her first shell of the year - Happy New Year 2019 to you all

I for one am glad to see the back if 2018, my cousin died of an undetected (by the doctor) blood clot and it spread from her leg through her heart into her brain and had to turn her life support off after 2 days. 6 weeks later I found my father-In-law dead on the floor. Totally unexpected after seeing him the night before perfectly fine. Then my Aunt (Mums sister) discovered she had breast cancer 2yrs after mum recovered from her surgery, and had to undergo a double mastectomy. My daughter broke her thumb over the summer and needed an operation to fix the bone and was in a cast for 5wks and had 3mths of OT to get movement in her thumb again. My daughter completed her school P7 process of the AQE exams (old 11+) which is an awful process for any 10yr old. Then my husbands cousin died after a short battle with cancer on Christmas Eve.

The kids had a lovely Christmas, we did our best to make it special as they coped with their first year without their precious Granda.

I’m glad 2018 is over....

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