A Tinge of Pink

At five degrees today, it is feeling more wintery.  I am happy for the weather to stay just as it is - bright and cool but not too cold (for me!).  

The day brought a mixture of jobs - a trip to the charity shop to drop off some picture frames and clothes which are no longer required, a visit to the garden centre to get a pot for my blueberry bush which needs ericacious  soil rather than the alkaline soil we have here, a trip to the allotment to pot up the blueberry bush and do more digging (today I dug up a pair of shoes - what an array of items I have removed from the soil other these past few months!) and finally a dog walk around the village in which Merlin enjoyed barking loudly at a man up a ladder and nearly (thank goodness) catching a little shrew in the leaves next to the road.

This was the sunset as I arrived home.  

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