I Am Camera, London

I Am Camera is a play based on the characters created by Christopher Isherwood in his Berlin Stories. One of the these is a certain Sally Bowles who later went on to feature in the seminal musical Cabaret.
I'm also using it in an autobiographical sense in that I can't remember my life without a camera - from the 126 cassette film camera I had as a child (it didn't have a flashgun or in-built flash but flash cubes!) to my early Practika 35mm cameras to my present day Nikon DSLR and Coolpix A.
My work equipment has also changed a great deal - from my 10 x 8  and  5 x 4 studio cameras (sheet film in darkslides), to roll film to today's tethered digital back (which can produce massive files up to 170MB, and costs tens of thousands of pounds!), So film, digital, cameras, many lenses and bodies have been integral to both my working life and my creative one.
Ironically, today's shot is the neon sign in the window of the lomography shop in Central London that promotes "lo-fi " film cameras and accessories. Sometimes things can still come full circle!

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