Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


The most elusive everyday magic.

I am a lover of warm, low lighting. My day begins with decisions about it, how to introduce it slowly into my consciousness and enjoy it; my grown up children, by contrast, just like to turn on every switch they can and get on with their day.

Spent most of the day moving furniture, taking delivery of new stuff and assembling it, and installing new lighting. Our study is slowly turning into an awesome, chilled out place. High fives with The Dizzle who did a magnificent job with the IKEA stuff and spent hours working with me to put it together properly. Couldn’t have got it done without him. This is our new overhead light. Love the greens and golds and the patterns it produces.

The delivery of a new sofa and armchair, plus coffee table left us with a mountain of cardboard. It was as high and as wide as me and I’m six foot three inches tall. Stuffed most of it in the boot of the car to take for recycling tomorrow.

Listened to quite a lot of music today. Earl Klugh in the evening for a while. Awesome guitar.

Bit shocked by the murder on a local train today. I use that particular service a lot. Terrible stuff.

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