Elephanta Island, INDIA

Barely an hour by slow ferry from Mumbai Harbour (the terrorist attack in 2008 -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Mumbai_attacks) is Elephanta Island (fab name, yes?), where one can find five cave temples, the largest being the most impressive.  Of course, took lots of shots, but this one stuck out.  This is a mother with her baby in her arms.  I don't know if she sees the cola bottle as food ... but wouldn't that be a strange thing if she learned to twist the cap off and use it to feed her young?

Two extras -- AW and me.

Our last day in India.  We've already checked in for our flight back and need to be at the airport in about 5 hours.  It has been an intense 24 days of adventure, with 2364 shots (excluding the discarded ones), two nights at hospital, and many, many 'firsts' for us.  I don't know if you found our time here interesting (you didn't need to) but, if you did, then that's a positive thing for me.

Tomorrow we'll be back home ... and on Monday, it's back to work for me.

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