Today is 'whipped cream day'. I bet you didn't know that?!

'Whipped cream day' provides the perfect excuse to indulge in a sweet treat with a generous portion of whipped cream on the top.

Mmmmmm..................... I think I would like whipped cream. And when Ann told me yesterday, that today was whipped cream day; I was sure she'd be Blipping me with some whipped cream. Yum, yum.

Unfortunately Ann doesn't really like cream so she said she wasn't buying some just so that I could be Blipped with it. Booohoooo. 

…................And that's why I've been Blipped struggling up the outside steps to our house. Another reason to make Edinburgh our permanent home. We have a lift in Edinburgh. I really love playing on the beaches in St Ives, but the hills are a killer. Today I've had a play in the field, a play on the beach and a walk around town and I've just had another little walk to the shop around the corner. And I'm exhausted. If I'd been a bit perkier today Ann was going to take me for a walk with Ozzy, my very gorgeous Golden Retriever boyfriend. But she didn't think I was up to it.

I've been quite happy to spend most of my day in bed. And Ann has been bored!!! She wanted to go on a big long walk! ….............And instead has spent most of the day slobbing around in front of the TV!

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