What a day of travels......

When I got this morning it was raining! I got ready to leave and went to leave the house just before 7am, giving myself plenty of time to get to Braintree. When I opened the front door unknowingly in the space of 10mins the rain had turned to snow!!!

I set off and the roads were atrocious, the snow was falling and turning to ice. I did a max of 3miles in 11/2hrs. So I turned round and went to Clacton station as I had appointments in the city today. When I got to station no trains were running.

I managed to catch a train eventually, and off to the city I headed. I went to Russell Square first, then into Fenchurch Avenue and finished at St Paul's. Then train back to Clacton. The heat was not working on train so was freezing, jumped in car, pit stop at home to use the bathroom and quick change and back out off to Braintree, as we had our Christmas dinner.

I am now in and off to bed as I am in North Suffolk tomorrow. I will be wrapping up warm with my fleece lined combats on, as going to be in and out for best part of day.

Hope your day not too bad with snow, safe journeys everyone and take care.

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