
By Northnexposure


Thanks to Twitter, news came of a flock of norse invaders aka waxwings which were to be found in an unlikely spot next to the Mancunian Way by a rickety footbridge, feasting off a lush crop of rowan berries. They were joined by a host of fellow migrants (or should I say refugees). even more numerous redwings. So off we set on a very unpromising freezing cold, dark and lead grey day more in hope than expectation, but were amply rewarded by the sight of these charming birds, which my little camera (compared with the one with a lens as long as your arm being wielded by the other photographer present) did its best to capture in crepuscular conditions. It's a sad but happy fact that the degradation of our countryside into green chemically treated deserts has meant we see more species like these in our suburbs and town centres, where they are likely to get a friendlier reception, as we should no doubt give to all migrants and refugees.

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