
We got up a bit late today as the dog woke us early so we decided we needed a lie in!  I took Merlin out for his walk as Andy has hurt his ankle.  After lunch I popped to the allotment for a few hours.  It was busy there, with some new faces - people who have just taken newly available plots and others who I think were going down for the first time in a while to survey the state of their plots!  Some need a lot of attention!

Yesterday was a similar day, dog walks and then gardening at the house at Liss.  I'd not done much of a tidy up in the garden in the autumn as many plants were still growing but now with a few frosts having come our way, there was plenty to cut back, weeds to be pulled and leaves to be raked up.  As always it was great to be outside, being active and to be able to see the difference I'd made to the garden with just a few hours of work.

I've also been continuing my sorting out of cupboards and found this broach.  I gave it to Mum as a gift, probably about 15 years ago.  Its ceramic and misty blue in colour.  It was made by a ceramicist in Peebles, Scotland.  I rather like it so have been wearing it all weekend as a reminder of Mum and of the special times I had when I lived in the Scottish Borders.

Hoping you have all had a good weekend.

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