Our Bedroom

There just isn't any opportunity to blip anything other than our house at the moment.  Not having a garden to find a blip will be a little frustrating but thats life!!

This is our bedroom, to the right is the ensuite and not seen but also on the right is our walk in wardrobe....pretty cool :)

We have had the builder here this afternoon, and tomorrow the kitchen bloke is coming to finish off the stuff not done.  

Cooler today, with some rain.  This morning we planted some little bits and pieces "stolen" from our old garden , hope they will take. Doug cleaned some of the windows, while I did some more unpacking.  I have almost got the snug and office organised so progress on all fronts.

Horrible tornado hit parts of Auckland and Rotorua this afternoon.  Three people have lost their lives, and the damage is devastating.  My thoughts go out to all those people.


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