The Royal Pavilion Ice Rink

Alan went to his outdoor shooting club this morning and I went swimming for the first time since my shoulder injury in September.  I could certainly tell that I've not been swimming in all that time, but I managed 30 lengths and then I jogged 11 lengths - I was conscious of not wanting to overdo it with my shoulder until I've seen my consultant on Wednesday.  I then had a jacuzzi and went in the steam room albeit only for a few minutes.

We normally eat our Sunday roast in the evening, but as we were both out early this morning I decided to cook it while I was waiting for Alan to get home, and then we could have it for lunch which made a nice change.  Once we'd eaten and everything was tidied away, we drove to the marina where we parked the car, and then walked along Madeira Drive  to the Pier.  We walked the full length of the pier and then watched the murmuration before heading to the ice rink.

I've been wanting to get some photos of it at night when it's illuminated and as it's the penultimate weekend before it gets removed, today was the ideal opportunity.  We watched the skaters for a while and then went inside to have a hot chocolate for me and a coffee for Alan. We went back out once that session had finished to get some shots without the skaters.

I noticed the image of a serpent on the ice which is a nice touch as there are some very ornate serpents inside the building, so wanted to include this in my shot.  I did take my camera, but to be honest I prefer this shot taken with my iPhone.

We walked briskly back to the marina to get the car and in total we've walked 14,000 steps/6.5 miles.    Home now and I'm going to watch Dancing on Ice which starts tonight - kind of appropriate having the ice rink as my blip today, and I'm glad I watched the Torvill and Dean story last night.

Happy Sunday!

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