Large Cluster of Cones......a Clue

As I walked around the neighborhood today I decided I wanted to identify the many different kinds of Evergreen Trees. I attempted to get three photos of each tree: the branch structure, the cones and the bark. I haven't taken the time yet to look up the Evergreen Trees of Oregon yet, but I think I need a fourth shot of each tree with its overall shape & size.  The huge bunches of cones on this tree was unusual; this was the only tree I saw like this. Mostly I saw the same trees over and over again; Oregon is a state with an abundance of Evergreen Trees...probably mostly Pine, Fir, Hemlock & Cedar Trees. Many of the deciduous trees seem to have been planted by homeowners for shade and/or fall color. I do expect I will become an expert about trees identification.....but I plan to learn a little about the trees I see almost every day.......when I find time. (I should say, when I make it a priority and take the time.) Life is like that.. I have time for my priorities......and I don't always make time for everything I "plan" to do.  :-)) 

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