Col Checroit 2270 m - Cresta d'Arp 2755 m

Finally with new skins for the wide skis. 

I tried a few days earlier with the old skins and failed miserably though I made a good showing. Either on any kind of double fall-line or when the climb got too steep, I simply slid backwards.  I walked up a few parts in defiance, but never made it to the Youla tram station.  I climbed up to the last piling and called it a day.

This time, I didn't have any excuses (if not for the Vesper the night before) or the heavy large camera in the backpack.  I was the last one to reach the top and was greeted by applause and "take my picture" jeers.  Haha, I thoroughly enjoyed my victory.  And the photos!!

So a few extras to celebrate!

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