A bouquet

Another vertigo day.  I stayed home and worked on my Blip comments and stars.  We had a power outage during the night, but I don't know how long it lasted.  When I woke up, the power had been back on for two and a half hours.  I'm hoping that it was very brief - that sometimes happens - and that my CPAP was off for only a short time.  Otherwise I would have been breathing not fresh air but my own carbon dioxide.

We are taking May to see a new dentist tomorrow.  Since I'm leery of driving at this point, Doug will take us in his car and drive me home afterward.  I continue to be surprised by how stable May is now, considering that she's having auditory hallucinations again and some delusional thinking about it.  We're hoping not to have to increase her medication to quiet the noise, as she is otherwise doing so well and we don't want her to be dopey.

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