Dismal Day

We were all up and pottering about, strange atmosphere though, breakfast time and Clare was preparing lasagne, the chosen pre travel lunch.
Not much packing took place until around midday, an hour before travel!
We try not to draw out the goodbyes so once the car was loaded Sam and Josh were away.
As is the way once they were too far travelled to make returning possible we discovered the ‘forgotten’ items, not to worry though Josh is planning on coming back next weekend.
Clare and I set to taking down the cards, decorations and lights and putting it all back into storage. Today’s Blip shows the new decorations for Christmas ‘18, Joshua’s is obvious, made of porcelain it’s a delight. Samantha’s is a 1914-18 York Cathedral Commemoration Poppy, beautiful to touch, beautiful to look at.
So by nine at night the children were gone, decorations were down and Clare and I sat feeling miserable.

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