Plan B
Okay guys so we go to Plan B!
It's no use sulking Jimmy, you blew it! You can't let those goldfinches intimidate you, they're all beak and no action. Look at 'em, squawk, squawk, squawk! They spend more time spatting with each other than eating.
And you Jack, there's not a lot going on in that bird-brain of yours is there? You get yourself in the prime position for executing the dive into the squirrel box for nuts and get spooked by that coal tit....who's half your size.... I don't care what he told you, that box is not in his territory! If anything it belongs to that big guy who shins up the tree every day filling it up! You both left me out there in the cold facing down that starling and he's pretty scary that starling!
Right so this is what we do. Jimmy, you're the distraction. I want you to fly up on to the telegraph wire and make like the sparrowhawk is coming in big style. That'll spook everything but the blue tit gang but Jack and I can take them easy. Our flight trajectory will be straight through the outer branches, turn right at the niger seed (what those goldfinches see in that stuff I've no idea), ignore the peanuts (too faffy) and straight into the sunflowers which big guy has just filled up, Jimmy's false alarm should give us enough time for us to fill our beaks and get out before they realise and head back in.
Now what Jimmy? What do you mean there's a flaw in the plan? Okay so you don't get to eat....
Right Plan C!
(OOps! Just realised Jack should be Jackie!)
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