Only browsing..... Currys while my car was having its MOT. So much stuff here! I suppose if you know what you want that narrows things down a lot. Anyway, lots that was new to me/us too. I need a techi guide....

I did recognise Henry and his friend though and they get my extra, plus my yellow tulips for friendship which had to go today. The friendship of the one who gave them to me remains of course. 

We had to do a food shop as all the left overs are now gone. 

My car failed its MOT......apparently I don't use it enough. Some rust on the brakes means their efficiency is not up to scratch (I think that's right) We will take it on a long run, use the brakes more instead of just the gears when slowing down, to wear off the rust, take it back for a re-test and see if the run worked.....So advises the mechanic. 

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