Room with no view

I feel like I’ve been stuck in this bedroom forever! It’s only been a couple of days but I don’t do well with being ill and I hate just staying in bed! But I have felt so ill I’ve had no choice. My bedside table is like a chemist with lemsip, Sudafed, paracetamol, ibuprofen, antibiotics, sinutab... you name it, I’ve got it! And I still feel like my head is being squeezed in a vice, my ears are going to explode and my eyes are being pulled out of their sockets.
The only positive thing to come out of today is that I didn’t miss a day of work as school was closed due to a burst water main so at least I didn’t have to feel guilty about that.
Andrew is trying but honestly, you’d think he’d been asked to climb Everest or run to the ends of the earth because he’s had to work and look after the children by himself. I better get well soon...

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