Waking Up


Merrick is staying with us for a few nights. His momma went to South Carolina, and his daddy goes to work at 4:30 a.m.

(Rant starting.) Back when I was a young lad, I got up in the morning at the latest time I could, had a quick bowl of cereal, and then walked 7 miles in rain or snow to school. (Don't believe that last part.)

Nowadays, look at that little rectangle in front of Merrick's face. That's right...it's an I-pod. He wakes up to either videos or games. (In my day, if we had ANY extra time...we watched bad cartoons.)

I don't know what I would have done if I would have been born in this computer generation. I used to love to play outside, BUT...this time of year around here...that isn't an option.

So, I probably would have joined in. 

How did I get him away from the small computer? I rustled up some pancakes and sausage, and he came a'runnin.

Old man rant over. In some ways...I'm glad I'm "old school."

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