Goodbye Santas

It was time, mum decided, for all our Santas and some of the Christmas goats and reindeer to go back in their box and wait for next Christmas. I like them. I think they should be out all year, but mum vetoes that for some reason. My new friend Rudolph will stay with me, he just photobombed the picture (top left). He insists on singing - yes! - Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer every now and then. Very festive! I hope he does that on Midsummer! Ha! The tree stays a few more days.

We got a New Year’s gift in the mail today! Yay! It was a poodle calendar from a friend of Heidi’s, J, and two dogs called Yogi and Abby in the USA! How cool is that?! And chewing sticks for me and gifts for mum. Awesome!

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