Gable Erratic

By MsGable


I’ve packed a bag just in case. A neighbour rang me go round with my sniffer-dog nose as she thought she could smell gas. Yes, there was no doubt at all. The emergency gas man came out and turned off the supply and another gas man has been out to try to fix the leak.

I’m trusting we are not going to be evacuated but you can never be too careful. My bag is packed with my three knitting projects currently on the go. And my toothbrush.

Apart from that I’ve made a cauldron of cottage pie mix to freeze, yes HOW, I remembered one for you. And then did the ironing.

Knitting filled the afternoon. I’m settling in to this retirement, though it still hits me with a shock sometimes. Especially on a murky wet windy morning when I realise I don’t have to go out.

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