little legs in training

We took a walk to test out Zeke’s new hiking boots. He isn’t aware but I’m also trying to stretch out his walking skills in readiness for mountains. He’s great at scrambling but gets bored on the flats and was previously able to get on his Dad’s back so that we could make swifter progress.... but he’s a bit big for that now. He’s a great walking buddy in that he stops to admire all of creation and inspires a lot of marvelling at it all. But that very quality is what slows him down too.... hopefully we’ll work that out with a bit of practice. Hope I don’t quell his wonder though!


1. Zeke mulling over whether it was realistic to assume that hills are green giants lying down;
2. Meeting a friend on our walk, she’d just lost her Dad and we were able to connect while dogs and children coexisted reasonably peacefully;
3. Legs. How cool are legs?

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