Afternoon coffee

It's been a good weekend. The Minx and miniMix came up on Friday evening and stayed until this morning, which was lovely, and then I went for a run. This routine of doing a half marathon every weekend (pretty much) has been one of the best things that I've kept going over the last year.

And not least because it means I always have calories to spare for a big Sunday lunch. Today Abi went over to a friend's to do some work on a school project, so it was just me and Dan who went to The Bridge Inn at Tatham for lunch. The food there is a solid 7/10 for pub grub and it's got a lovely vibe to it. 

After a post-lunch nap, I got 'round to recording the radio show. I was drowsy, so I made a (rare) afternoon coffee to get myself going. 

-11.0 kgs
Reading: 'The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook' by Michael Brooks

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