Crumpled Car

Not the day we were expecting...someone drove into the side of us as we were going round a roundabout this pushed us into the barrier and crumpled the front of our car. Thank the Lord we are all fine, as is Nate - she hit the car about a foot behind him...poor boy was terrified. She was driving down the main road and flew onto the roundabout without braking or looking as apparently the sun was in her eyes?!?!?! Surely you'd slow down and double check?! Anyway, other than being achy and tired we're all ok...our poor little car is not quite so ok though. Deeply grateful to friends for rallying round...Rich came and collected Nate and me so we wouldn't have to stand on the main road too long...police were kind...the lady admitted all fault...friends brought dinner...another friend brought Asha home from school...kind phone calls and messages...we're surrounded by good friends.

We had Asha's friend over this afternoon to bake cookies...we arranged it ages ago and it seemed a shame not to stick with the date - the 2 of them had a great time and were SO lovely together... it's his mom who dropped Asha back, she's insisted on taking her to school tomorrow too! So so kind.

Then later still we met up with Marcial to talk over things in Sa Penya...such a privilege to support him.

Drama of the day;
Pretty obvious!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being kept safe.
2) Wonderful, generous and kind friends.
3) Danny being a hero with the mountain of paperwork that now needs to be done.

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