Coach B

Arts and crafts week, volume 2. Tom has a church friend, Stella B, who follows our basketball season closely. Her story is pretty remarkable. She is now 93, but she taught English for 38 years at Notre Dame High School in California, and she coached basketball there in the 40s and 50s. She is a remarkably bright person at her age. When I learned how fervently she followed us, I asked her to join us for a game, where she would be an honorary coach for us. She declined because of her ambulatory abilities, but felt honored being asked. So tonight, I told the team that we were dedicating the season to Coach B, and we signed a small poster for her. The girls were truly disappointed that she could not make it to their game, but they understood. It’s one more lesson for them to believe in something greater than themselves. Here was a supporter, anonymous to them, behind them 100%, and none of them had ever met. The girls know her now, and they get it. Maybe the reason they have had this much success this year is because they do get it, they see the Big Picture. Hard to describe all of this.

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