Little Star

It was Miss L's Christmas show this morning. It was so sweet!
All the kids from all three nursery classes were dressed in red, green and white and sat up on stage singing lots of Christmas songs.
Miss L was slightly challenged in the prop department - her headress (which, by the way, was a Christmas tree!) kept flopping all over her face and falling off completely, and her star wand for the Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star number broke as soon as she started waving it and she spent the whole song trying to get it back together!
But I was so proud of her. She sang beautifully through every song - albeit a few seconds behind everyone else! and didn't seem bothered by the prop malfunctions.
This is one of the few photos I took that was actually in focus. It doesn't quite capture her joy and exuberance - in fact it makes her look like a bored girl in a floppy headress!! - but it reminds me of her first Christmas Show!

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