Could you please come back and visit my journal in about 12-14 weeks?  I don’t mean to stop coming and visiting, but to see the beauty of the Muscari flowers - or Grape Hyacinth as they are sometimes called.  

A lovely friend gave me this pretty little jug from The Flower Shop in M & S either for Christmas or my birthday - sadly I can’t remember which - but that isn’t unusual as my birthday is on Boxing Day and presents tend to merge!  

Anyway, I have just got round to planting the five small Muscari bulbs and have put the jug, as instructed, “in a cool, dark place for a minimum of 10 weeks to stimulate root and flower development.”  It says if this step is missed, the bulbs may not flower - and I don’t want to risk that.  After that the jug should be brought into a warm, bright position (20-25C) indoors.  Now that might be difficult, as our thermostat (regulated by Mr. HCB) is kept at 19C so it may take a bit longer but by then, the weather should be warmer anyway so I am sure in the fullness of time and when they are ready, the Muscari will be in full bloom. 

Sometimes Most of the time I am tempted NOT to follow instructions - and I am probably not alone in this - I think that I know best and often end up being annoyed because things haven’t worked out - but today I realise that these instructions are there to help produce beautiful blooms, so I have ensured they are planted “before the end of January” and will follow the other instructions to the letter.  Hopefully, therefore, in about 12-14 weeks, I will be able to Blip the flowers one Flower Friday.

As I type, Mr. HCB is in our sunny conservatory, poring over his seed catalogues and choosing what he will buy this year - and I guess I might be making more chutney from the surplus fruit and vegetables, but then, I do have plenty of jars now!

I loved this quote and it sums me up - written by the famous writer, “Anonymous” aka "Anon":

“I took a Personality Test on the internet,  which said, ‘Describe yourself in one word.’
I answered, ‘Not good at following instructions.’”

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