Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks


After a day in the fog (Thursday) yet another misty start to a day.

There was 5 minutes of brightness after this early shot but it was a temporary fix during the endless grey days.

I was up early and had a short walk to the Newsagents (R&J News) to pay the bill and hand in money off vouchers for the next 3 months. The shop now closes at 9:00am as the owners are semi-retired but still doing home deliveries.  Ron mentioned not doing another Winter so this might be the last year of printed papers arriving before breakfast.

My second outing after coffee and toast was to Grains Bakehouse for fresh ( REAL) bread plus I was tempted by Apple Crumble Pies these are Mince Pie size.

My third outing was to Marks and Spencer FoodHall which was busy with all the old people ( like me) buying their favourites.  We are random food shoppers now that the CO-OP shut its foodstore last Summer. Last week it was Morrisons (my choice) , the week before Tesco (I' didn't do that one)   before Christmas Aldi and Sainsbury got some business from us. Some are out of town and only worth it for a big shop. B&M  replaced the local CO-OP and its Jumble Sale style is fun and useful for somethings but food is the last thing on their mind.

Lunch now and I don't intend going out again today.  
Early afternoon TV with Father Brown to look forward to.

The day is notable as the death of Dianne Oxberry was announced someone who seems to have been on our teatime TV screens for ever and yet she was only 51 :-(

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