Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

No cracker!

After 5hrs 20 mins, the child woke up. Then started the cycle of feed, sleep, put in crib, scream for 1.5hrs, sleep for an hour. Repeat for 7 hours. I like the sleep for over 5 hours bit! However, the rest...not so much.

Thankfully Mark took Matt out for a bit and I got sleep (accompanied by the usual nightmares that happen with daytime sleep).

This was taken mid feed. Such a distractable child! How dare I eat a cracker mid feed! Clearly we are not allowed to eat together.

In other news:
Matt has decided the nipple shield is shit. Bare boob all the way now!

I have PVA for my Santa decorations.

Matt has paediatric appointment tomorrow.

Mark has the morning off to come to said appointment! Huzzah!

Matt did not scream after coming out the bath.

Matt curently asleep in his cot from 8.

Mark and I going to bed for 8.30. Awesome. :)

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