Shooting Stars...
K the physio was here at lunchtime to put me through my paces. It's been a few weeks since I have seen her due to Christmas and not being well so it was hard going.
Alan's PA Lisa couldn't work today as her mum had taken ill overnight and been taken to hospital, so Alan had to put up with us today. He and David went to Ikea in the afternoon. I stayed at home, which means they came back with exactly what they went for and no extras. David did admit to having coffee and cake in the cafe. Tsk! I think I will be passing on The Willpower Instinct to him, once I've finished it!
I got the shock of my life this afternoon when I turned on the tv just as an episode of Wanted Down Under was starting, as it featured a couple from the village I grew up in! I don't normally watch the programme but of course I had to. So strange to see places so familiar to me on the tv! In the end the couple chose New Zealand for the weather and the outdoors lifestyle.
It always amazes me when something like this happens. I rarely watch tv when I am on my own (I prefer to listen to music) and usually when I do switch on the tv I go straight to the TV guide and start scanning through the channels. Weird that today I chose tv over music and just left the tv on the channel it was at. Serendipity :-))
Another grey day where not even the garden could entice me outside so all I could find to blip indoors was the star light Alan got from Ashleigh for his Christmas. It's quite mesmerising to watch. I took this shot with my phone but I think I will revisit it at some point with my camera.
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