
By Ursonate17

The Pimlico Pissoir

WonderA is here for the weekend.

We celebrated with lunch at the Regency Cafe in Pimlico, a remarkable and much loved culinary institution. Largely unchanged since the 1940's, the Regency has no need for conveniences of it's own because there have always been public toilets just down the road in Regency Place

For centuries, this busy corner of Pimlico has served as a hangout for cabbies ...the Cafe opened to serve that trade as did a cast-iron part-unfolding octagonal pissoir, affectionately known as 'The Iron Lung' and still, gloriously, much as it always has been (see above)

If Blip only had Odorama, your sinuses would now be unblocked by the ammonia cloud that hangs over the urinals.
Happy days...

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