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By pplnani

New Buds and Blue Tit

I managed to grab a half hour walk in the fields where this beautiful little Blue Tit was pecking at the barely formed tiny buds, but not destroying them ........there was obviously something there that it liked :-)

I think I might have scored some brownie points with the grumpy farmer who told me off once for straying slightly from the I was just going onto the footpath he was coming past in his truck, he stopped and lowered the window........I was expecting a grumpy remark but he simply said " have you seen a collie go past here?"........I hadn't, so I said no but I'll keep a lookout.
I was into the second field trying to creep up on a tree full of birds when I spotted the subject of my extra belting across another field .........I called out and tried to get his attention but he was having none of it and shot off towards the woods.
The birds in tree had been scared off by him so I decided to hurry back and try to tell somebody what I'd seen........part way along the field I could see the farmer in his truck so I waved like an idiot to attract his attention ( not daring to stray from the footpath) .......he drove up and I was able to show him the photo and tell him where the dog had headed.........he even smiled and thanked me .........I hope he remembers the incident next time he catches me off the beaten track ;-)))

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