The Last Rose

There are very few flowers to be found in the garden right now, and even if there were, I don't feel inclined to go out there for it has resumed raining. The Costco roses are going on two weeks and still looking quite pretty if a wee bit desiccated. Thanks, Biker Bear, for the Honorable mention for my first picture of these blooms on Jan 4...I hope I'm not tempting fate by photographing them again.

 I spent time playing with one rose in low light, indirect light and against different backgrounds. This shot had one of my  fuzzy jackets behind it, and was taken in the darkest room in the house with only the late afternoon light slanting in through the door. With all the photo editing software and camera settings available, it was fun to see what can be done with whatever's around.

When Ozzie came in from his last walk last night, which was undertaken as always in pitch darkness, I noticed that he was not walking right again. Oh no, I thought, calling OilMan to come help. We coaxed him halfway down the hall, back legs wobbling erratically, when he suddenly stopped, did something with his leg and out fell a large acorn which apparently was stuck in his paw. 

Sometimes dogs are inscrutable....

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