An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Late Night Christmas Shopping...

Thursdays are late night shopping (well, to 8.30, hardly "late") in the run-up to Christmas - and one of my favourite music bands, The Paper Shades, that I've photographed in many venues including a couple of Festivals plugged in their portable amps and entertained a handful of shoppers at The Music Room - a musical instrument and sheet music shop.

The shop door, immediately to my right - and Sarah's left was wide open and the draught caused a certain chilly discomfort as well as an assortment of tuning difficulties, but the Shades' acoustic harmonies soon had us all quietly spellbound.

Getting back home thirsty and with the PC running extra slow, probably due to me editing images of the Gallery taken on Sunday (see my Blip "Nudity") in Photoshop for half the day so when I opened this one, the detail and lighting, which required almost no editing, I thought that I wouldn't show you the creative ones, the close ups, the attempts to hide the background - it's a music shop, after all!

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