Friday Bridge

Of the original Four Horsemen, two have switched to bridge and play a good game of it, too, so we hardly hear from M and E, whereas H and AW are regularly at it.  The photo also shows S and B, married couple, who regularly play with them.  The evenings are invariably organized at S and B's place.  H and AW play together Monday evenings, and H used to play regularly with B but there was a time when he was always on holiday, so B was often without a partner, which wasn't so fab for her.  AW, on the other hand, always manages to find a replacement as he's quite a popular guy, and H has to rest just a bit more often anyway, especially after last year's stroke.

At about 21.40, I joined them for a quiet cup of tea, but also to reconnect with S and B who were continuously updated when AW was ill in India.  Of course, it was a good opportunity to get a shot or two.  A lovely evening.  I left ahead of AW because I was sleepy.  It was a nice day -- housekeeping, MOOC, cups of tea, some games.  I might as well also mention here that I'm pretty sure I'd like to retire after five more whole schoolyears, excluding the current one, so we're talking 2024, just before I turn 63.  It's a mighty long way off, I know, but for the blog I just want to put it on record that the countdown has begun.  It will accelerate in time so for now the instructions to myself are to breathe, take one day at a time, make the most of every single day, ... and enjoy myself whenever I can.

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