
Last night I was flicking through the usual mix of rubbish tv channels whence I came upon some minute Japanese wuman  called Marie Kondo who was visiting untidy American homes and working her magic. Actually, she didn't lift a delicate finger, all she did was tell the stupid punters what needed doing. There I was sitting passing judgement on them saying, that yins clearly lazy, that yin hates doing laundry etc. Anyway I watched quite a few, she went round tapping books (waking them up!) etc  but one thing I did learn is that I have been folding clothes wrong all my life! So today I decided to put her clothes folding technique into practice and before I knew it.... five hours later, I had sorted and folded every item of clothes I have which to be fair wasn't that much. She's right, I got tons more into the drawers and even had one  empty drawer left over! Finally before I knew it I  had tided two bedrooms within an inch of their lives. I'm exhausted but  hopefully all my hard work will have paid off.  So thanks tiny Japanese wuman.

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