My Girls in Cincinnati

On the good side of things...we spent the morning in Ohio with our old Florida neighbor Faye. She is 92 years old, and shares a birthday with our grandson Merrick. We miss her terribly while we are in Florida, but her half-brother felt the need to move her to be closer to him. We try to stop and see her as we are passing through.

On the bad side of things...after we left Faye, we headed southwest for 150 miles, and finally stopped at a rest area. Lisa went in to go potty (I never go...I wear a pair of Depends and just let the pee fly...NOT REALLY!), and as we accelerated back onto the highway...I got up to 65 m.p.h., and suddenly I had no power. I pulled over, turned the car off, restarted it, and the same thing happened. Higher power. I coasted to the next exit, and pulled into a hotel.

A couple hours later, a nice Baptist couple named Jeff and Marci picked us up in a tow truck, and carted us to Bowling Green, Kentucky, 37 miles away.

The real problem? It is Saturday night, and everything is closed, and they'll be closed on Sunday, too. So....we're stuck in Bowling Green, but at least we're holed up in a nice Holiday Inn.

Such is life. Things happen.

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