Four Months Old

These two were in the same class at the police academy and I was the mentor of the class.  This was the last class I mentored there as I left a year before they graduated.  In 2014 they got married and their darling little bundle was born last September.  I posted her birth announcement here.  As I had no time, then, to visit, and they were in the process of moving house, we moved my visit to today.  I thought it would be convenient in the afternoon, but they preferred the evening.  The thing is ... they live 220 km. away, in a town close to the German border in the north -- Enschede (sounds like 'EN-ske-day').

Before leaving, I managed to finish week 2 of the Humanities MOOC and watched the European Skating Championships, plus housekeeping.  At about 17.00 I left and arrived at their place at about 19.40.  I could have arrived earlier but couldn't find the street, which, as it turned out, was still partly under construction.  It was naturally already dark by the time I got there, and it was raining, but they gave me such a warm welcome when I arrived.  Hung around for two hours during which we updated each other, and then it was time to go again.  I chose another route going home and took a half hour nap somewhere halfway, so got in at 01.40.  AW was still up and offered me mandarin slices and crackers ... super!

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