
By cowgirl


Utility companies - grrrrrrrr!

Started with a new one in September ... even before the first bill was produced they had increased our direct debit ( ours went from £38 to £67 ). Everyone complained, so they reduced the payments ( £55 ) ... a month later they’d hiked them up again (£109! What?!! ). Everyone complained, and I’m guessing many like ourselves, jumped ship. So here we are, starting again with proving first readings ... haven’t had the final bill from the other company yet, although they did take the £109 this month, so I need to keep an eye on that. Why does it all take so long though, to pass from one to another? I had enough trouble switching last September .... which reminds me to check that they paid back the £60 that they took from us as an exit fee when it quite clearly says they don’t charge an exit fee! Aaarrrrggghhhhhhh!!!

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